Summer Sounds—Cory McAbee’s Stingray Sam

July 8th, 2010

Title: Summer Sounds—Cory McAbee’s Stingray Sam
Location: Pritzker Garden, The Art Institute of Chicago, 111 South Michigan Avenue
Description: Six 10-minute episodes make up Stingray Sam, a hysterically funny, loony sci-fi action adventure by musician and filmmaker Cory McAbee. Set to music by the Billy Nayer Show and narrated by David Hyde Pierce, this intergalactic musical Western follows the adventures of two space convicts as they earn their freedom by rescuing a young girl held captive by an alien figurehead. Each segment of their comic journey is accompanied by choreographed musical numbers and inventive photomontages. The film premiered at the 2009 Sundance Film Festival as part of the New Frontier Program. McAbee will be present and will introduce the film.

Tickets are available the night of the event at the Pritzker Garden gate on Columbus Drive. Members $8, nonmembers $10. Cash only.
Start Time: 21:00
Date: 2010-08-27
End Time: 22:30

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