Louise LeBourgeois, Steven Carrelli, and Bebe Krimmer at Packer Schopf
October 13th, 2010Title: Louise LeBourgeois, Steven Carrelli, and Bebe Krimmer at Packer Schopf
Location: 942 W. Lake St.
Description: The work of Louise LeBourgeois and Steven Carrelli seems, at first glance, to have little in common. However, the two artists have influenced each other consciously and subconsciously over the years, building bodies of work that engage in a subtle ongoing dialogue. The artists draw upon both realism and imagination to create images of spaces and places that are at once believable and fantastical.
A painter for over 50 years, Bebe Krimmer’s work conveys her interest in the night sky and the order imposed or intuited by the human observer. Taking inspiration from astronomical observances, she re-configures the night sky into her own personal abstractions. Her body of work contains stunning representations of the cosmos rendered in paint, mixed media and collage.
Start Time: 17:00
Date: 2010-11-05
End Time: 20:00