Here/Not There performance series presents Meg Duguid: Everyone is a Bathing Beauty

July 16th, 2010

Title: Here/Not There performance series presents Meg Duguid: Everyone is a Bathing Beauty
Location: Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, 220 East Chicago Avenue
Description: Drawing from George Bernard Shaw’s classic play Pygmalion, with a Busby Berkeley twist, visitors may perform in short, scripted scenes playing the role of Henry Higgins, Eliza Doolittle, or a supporting character. On July 27, at 7 pm, a large-scale Busby Berkeley dance scene utilizing audience members is performed and filmed on the MCA Terrace. During the week, audience members are invited to act and are given cards with a description of a scene, along with a minimal costume that represents the character. Scenes are edited by Duguid and presented the following day on television monitors in the gallery, culminating in a finished work. By the end of the week, the silent movie features numerous visitors acting as Higgins’ and Doolittle’s of varying age, gender, race, and physical appearances.

Tues, July 27: 5-8 pm Film shoot: Bugsby Berkeley dance number
Wed-Sat, July 28-31: Noon-5 pm Film shoots: individual scenes
Sun, Aug 1: Film screening of the final movie

Museum admission: $12 adults, $7 students and seniors
Start Date: 2010-07-27
End Date: 2010-08-01

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