After Hours Press at Printer’s Row Lit Fest

June 12th, 2010

Title: After Hours Press at Printer’s Row Lit Fest
Location: Polk and Clark Streets, Arts & Poetry Stage
Description: After Hours is a semi-annual literary magazine publishing poetry, fiction, art, and photography from Chicago area writers and artists such as Stuart Dybek, Marc Smith, Diane DiPrima, Rane Arroyo, David Hernandez, Martha Modena Vertreace-Doody,E. Donald Two-Rivers, Marvin Tate, Judith Valente, Herb Nolan, Greg Kuepfer, Cin Sallach, Kent Forman, Chuck Perkins, Lucy Anderton, Nina Corwin, Charlie Newman, Jared Smith, Charles Rossiter, Donna Pucciani, Brenda Cardenas, Tara Betts, C.J. Laity, Larry Janowski, Robert Klein-Engler, Quraysh Ali Lansana, Patricia McMillan, Norbert Blei, and so many more.
Start Time: 12:00
Date: 2010-06-13

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